My B-Day was Feb 5th, Quiz, Icons, and a Request For Help

Feb 24, 2009 17:31

Thank you to tweets and dunkle_feuer for the birthday wishes, thank you fleta for the card, and thank you stephen_hart for Under the Greenwood Tree. My best birthday presents were the DVD and the fact the Torchwood season three teaser trailer included a Jack/Ianto kiss. Only 60 seconds of trailer and they managed to include a kiss. Not sure what that says about the season, but it was a great birthday present.

Quiz gacked from ariestess

I'm not sure if I've done this before and forgotten it, or if it's new. I have a vague feeling I've done at least one quiz some where like this where I happened to test out as a phoenix rather than a dragon. Whatever the case I don't mind when I come up a phoenix. I love characters that can die only to rise again, Methos, Captain Jack Harkness, Aethaeryn ap Ailil...

What's your inner spirit?

You are free, loyal, and caring. You wish to help all those in need and heal all wounds of those you care about, no matter what the cost. How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

Along with being in love with Jack/Ianto currently I've also developed a thing for the crossover pairing of Stephen Hart/The Doctor. I've got a bunch of Jack/Ianto icons I've made, some from screen caps some from fan-art I've seen, and a couple of Stephen/Doctor icons I've made.



1 and 2 are the screen caps. Yes I rotated 1. 3 and 4 are the fan-art. I'm sorry I don't remember who the artists are at the moment. 5 and 6 are my photomanips.

Anyone out there a) a librarian, and b) willing to let my give them a series of interview questions for a school project?

school, quiz, stephen hart, 10th doctor, captain jack harkness, icons, birthday, ianto jones

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