Three MEME Post

Nov 13, 2007 23:25

(This is a bunch of stuff I've been working on getting posted.)

Shakespeare quote generator from all over my flist.

Follow your spirit, and, upon this charge
Cry 'God for Harry, Becca and Saint George!'

Which work of Shakespeare was the original quote from?

*Facepalm.* I can't play with a quote generator without risking spawning a plot bunny. Fortunately what Harry was doing with Saint George and me I'm not sure.

I was tagged by batmarg for this MEME...

List ten things that have recently made you happy and then tag ten people to let others do the same. I modified the MEME. I won't tag anyone. You can play along if you want or not. Up to you.

1. Captain Kildarien Shadowbane
2. Doctor Everett Hughes
3. Deiniol ap Don
4. Methos
5. Captain Jack Harkness
6. nevacaruso made me this Captain Jack Harkness and Nine ficlet - Wallflowers
7. I got a box of Mint Three Musketeers mailed out to fleta Friday
8. I have a copy of the Corrs song "Runaway" thanks to nevacaruso
9. I have a copy of the Scissor Sisters song "I Don't Feel Like Dancing" thanks to fleta
10. I got a bunch of Raistlin Majere icons made for diamond9697

Dia and Jaye have posted this MEME...

Comment on this post. I will choose six userpics from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are using them. Post your answers (and this explanation of the meme) in your own journal (if you want) so others can play along.

These are the icons they asked me about...

For Dia...

Eeyore is my favorite Winnie the Pooh character. There were, and are, times when I've identified more strongly with one of the other characters, but I always love how much he seems to need a good hug. I made him along with my making a couple of Tigger icons for sangoirerose. Sometimes I use him as my "I need a hug" icon, and sometimes I use him as my "You look like you need something to hug, hug the soft huggable donkey" icon.

I don't remember if I originally made it as my "Rutger Hauer" icon or as my "Ladyhawke" icon. I love the actor and the movie. Sometimes I use it to show support for them. Within the story the picture is of Captain Navarre and his true love Isabeau. They're under a curse, which gets broken. By day she's the hawk. By night he's a wolf. Because it's a picture of the two of them while they're under the curse sometimes I use it when I'm feeling separated from someone or something by that "close but not enough" distance.

Kildarien Shadowbane/Darien Windsor is one of fleta's characters in the RPG Oceans of Time we play. He's got a fae mien and a mortal mien because, among other things, he's a World of Darkness Changeling. The wallpaper for my computer, the background for my LJ and the image in my "Darien's Fae Mien" icon are his fae mien. As a fae he's the 9'6" troll Kildarien Shadowbane. As a mortal he's the 6'6" man Darien Windsor pictured in my "Darien's Mortal Mien" icon. In the game we've been married for years and have five kids. I love him very much, very, VERY much.

Daniel Dancing Eyes, Deiniol ap Don, Daniel Skye... he's undoubtedly had various other names over the years. He and I have been together most of my life. He's my oldest original character, the one who's never died off the way imaginary friends do, or characters that are only with you to tell one story. He came into the world fae and while he's been a vampire and a dragon he's still fae. He isn't an elf or a sidhe. He's Welsh and that makes him a Tylwyth Teg. Just as he's had many names he's used many faces over the years. His first one was Steve McQueen. His current one is Paul Bettany. I love him.

I love dragons, and I like to say I am a golden one. dunkle_feuer's given me bunches of dragon pictures, a few of which I've made gold and turned into icons at times. This one I've held onto while others have come and gone because I like to use it for my "I'm sooo pissed I'm breathing fire" icon.

Heh, I asked kijikun to make this, and "M is for Masochism," for me when she was working on making an alphabetical set of kink icons. I love, love, love stories with m/f/m in them. It is sooo totally a kink of mine medie even suggested I start a fic comm for stories featuring threesomes. Having gotten slashier in my old age a threesome doesn't need a female presence anymore, but two guys and a girl is still one of my favoritest things to read.

For Jaye...

Humphrey Bogart in the Golden Age of film noir played both Philip Marlowe and Sam Spade. I love hard-boiled crime fiction. I thought Bogey in that fedora and trench coat was the perfect man for my Hard Boiled icon. I have my Jack Fleming icon for a fantasy noir icon. Jack is wearing the fedora and trench coat with his fangs showing. Hard Boiled Bogey is for the ordinary gumshoes.

Jean-Claude isn't just my favorite vampire from Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series, he's my favorite vampire anywhere. This is the first icon I made for him once beellegee gave me permission to make icons from her art provided I gave her credit. I cropped the picture, colored his eyes, and put his name on the icon. Other than that, the art is all beellegee. I stopped reading the Anita Blake books a while ago, don't like to remember some of the ones I did read, but the first 8 books I still love to read. Jean-Claude isn't the only character I like to revisit, but he's my favorite.

I love the TV show House, but I've never had an urge to make a House icon. Until I saw this icon by dru_evilista I hadn't even had an urge to get a House icon. This icon however... I love Chase, but I know some days the boy can be thoroughly stereotypically a dumb blond. I think this shot is a great one of him catching flies. I didn't take it just for the expression. If I'd wanted just the expression Dru had it without text. I liked the combination of the expression and "Oh Shiney!" I figured it'd make a great icon to use when I learned/heard new things that I thought were as the icon says, "Shiney!"

I had been wanting a Ceirdwyn icon for the longest time when jinxed_wood made this one. Ceirdwyn has been my favorite Highlander Fimmie since "Take Back the Night" first aired. I love her age, her strength, and her heritage. I thought it was a great bonus to find out in the book Zealot that she was also a student of Marcus Constantine. It fit nicely with her taking my OFC Theresa off of Marcus' hands and teaching her. I saw this icon and loved how she was wearing her war paint, and the icon said Warrior. This is my Fimmie icon.

I love the first film in The Crow series. I think Brandon Lee is beautiful in it. I've got a couple of pictures of him from The Crow in my room. That he was killed making the film is a tragedy. When a character I loved was killed off by his author back in the spring I watched The Crow because I knew it would make me feel better. I hadn't watched it in a while, and found it helped even more than I had trusted it to. I made a couple of icons after, but only kept one of them. I kept this one because I felt it had the really important quote on it.

First, I'm not fond of the term "Team TARDIS," and I don't see any need to use it for Martha, 10 and Jack when the Doctor told Yana they were "Hermits United." I like calling them "Hermits United" so much I've made three different Hermits United icons. Now, I chose Hermits United Tea as the HU icon for me because I loved how after narrowly escaping the end of time, and knowing there's an evil homicidal Time Lord on the loose they could take tea. I think it's a great icon both for reminding myself and for reminding others sometimes you need to slow down.

9th doctor, captain jack harkness, meme, icons, daniel, methos, aeryn, darien, music

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