(*Mutters.* Been meaning to post this for days. I'm posting it before I go to bed dang it.)
Can anyone get me a file of Michael Buble's song "Everything"?
1, I thought about calling him "Sleeping Beauty," but I couldn't quite bring myself to call Henry "Beauty" so I described him as "Resting" instead. 2, the file name for this one says "DylanNaked" rather than Henry or Kyle because I originally made it for an original character I'm playing in an RPG. It just happens to also be a nice icon of Henry or Kyle. 3, I figured, I have a text free "Doctor Who" Jack icon, complete with him standing in front of the TARDIS, I ought to have a text free "Torchwood" Jack complete with dimple. 4, from the moment I first saw that shot of Jack flying through the air I knew I had to make me a "Jack's Super" icon. 5, I'm a shippy girl, lots of 'ships in my userpics, but the only kiss icon I've had in my userpics is my "Han/Leia" and they're one of my oldest and most sacred OTPs. I'm not sure about putting Doctor/Jack on that level. 6, I love that shot of 10 and Jack running so much I couldn't resist playing with it some more. I'm not sure which version I like better. Er, my previous use of that shot of 10 and Jack running can be found in my icon post over