First, it isn't the first time I dreamed of Everett Hughes being a Time Lord. The first one was short, and had a smaller cast. For one thing he was the only Time Lord in it. Not so much this time. Second, I know from having pastied Julian McMahon's head on Han Solo's body I shouldn't go looking for pictures of Jedi to past Orlando Bloom's head on, but it's tempting...
Okay, even for me this "any fandom jamboree" dream was one very... complicated... dream. It's one thing when I've got a bunch of characters from different fandoms fitting themselves into one canon like everyone becoming pirates. But this... most of the characters were fantasy, or ones I consider fantasy characters, fitting themselves into sci-fi canon, and not the same sci-fi canon. I had four different canons mixed up just counting the canons people fit themselves into, and that of course isn't counting the fandoms they originally came from. The fandoms went --
Doctor Who, Everett Hughes was a Time Lord with a TARDIS and a Sonic Screwdriver. Melita of course was his Companion and a fellow Time, er, Lady. Hey, if the 4th Doctor could travel with Romana...
Star Wars, Will Turner was a Jedi (*cough* Padawan *cough*) with what looked like the Millennium Falcon and a Light Saber. Poor Eri-Kol Heth somehow wound up as his mentor. Lucky for him there was Romulan Ale.
Babylon 5, Darien was a Ranger with a White Star and a Denn'Bok. I was a rogue telepath. Trust me I remember needing to stay the Hell away from anyone in Psi Corps, even if I was a match for any one Psi Cop.
Star Trek, Methos was a Romulan, with a Warbird and Romulan Ale. (What can I say? The man had his priorities.) Besides he also had TJ as his second in command. She had a disruptor on her at all times.
And of course the only character in there that was actually in the canon he was created in was Eri. When I figure out how he got mixed into the mess I'll let you know. I will say he got plenty of Romulan Ale from Methos.
Anyway, we were all at some kind of conference. Everett and Mel were representing Gallifrey, apparently safely undestroyed in my dream. Will and Eri were representing the New Republic, I mentioned Eri was acting as Will's mentor right? Darien and I were representing the Interstellar Alliance, without mentioning my psi abilities, or without mentioning them to everyone right off. And, Methos and TJ were representing the Romulan Empire. It wasn't a peace conference because it's not like we'd been at war before it. I think it was more like a G8 conference or something. It was however about to be crashed.
The villains in the dream were a mix of villains from the various canons being mixed. The attacking forces that crashed the conference were a mix of Daleks, Sith Lords, Shadows, and Dominion Changelings. The eight of us managed to be caught together by eight of them. Turned out that the Shadows and Changelings weren't fond of a particular frequency that could be generated by a sonic screwdriver that didn't affect anyone else's hearing. It was just as well since we were still left with the Sith and Daleks to get by. The Sith Lords were the bigger challenge. The Daleks' shielding didn't stop Romulan disruptors.
In a one-on-one fight I don't know if Will and Eri or the Sith would've won. They seemed evenly matched. Luckily for us, bad for them, Will and Eri didn't have to do more than hold their own while we dealt with the other bad guys. The Sith weren't so hot at fighting Will and Eri, deflecting incoming Romulan disruptor fire, fighting off attacks from Darien with his Denn'Bok (the thing might not have glowed like a Saber but the Sabers didn't scratch it,) and dealing with their minds being under direct assault from two Time... Persons, and a rogue telepath with telekinetic abilities who was at least a P12.
We got through those initial eight bad guys and headed for our various ships. It was decided while we were on the move to them that we should stick together getting away from the station so we could watch each others backs out there. I suspect Will and Eri took Methos' and TJ's wing so Eri could stay close to the Romulan Ale. I know Everett and Mel landed the TARDIS in the White Star because the ships got along with each other. A White Star may not have the sentience of a Vorlon ship, but this one definitely was aware enough to have opinions, and to make some kind of connection with the TARDIS.
So we fled the space station, and had to do some more fight our way through bad guys in the ships. I know how we took out the Dalek, Sith, and Changeling ships, but I'm not entirely sure how we took out the Shadow ones. I can only assume it was something Everett orchestrated from the TARDIS, and didn't bother to explain to the rest of us. I mean it isn't like we had a whole lot of time to dwell on what happened to those ships when we were busy fighting with the Sith and Changeling ships. They actually lasted the longest. There's no two ways around it. The Sith were repeatedly pains in the butt.
Once we were clear of the forces waiting for us outside the station we fled to one of those planets nobody looks for you on like Tatooine, Hoth, or Dagobah Okay, it was most like Tatooine. It had a bar we all wandered into once he had our spaceships parked where they weren't going to get found, or not before the end of the dream anyway. They might have eventually gotten found, but it didn't happen in the dream. Eri and the Romulans drank the Ale. Will refused to drink any alcohol and had some fruit drink. One of the many times Eri looked pained. To be fair Mel drank the fruit juice too. Everett, Darien and I had beer.
I woke up while our sitting around trying to decide what to do next deteriorated from a constructive strategy session into a "we're fucked, lets get plastered," drinking session. I don't think anyone actually passed out before I woke up, but that's the most I can say for our coherency by then.
So, it was... busy... even for me.