Road Test Take Two, PotC as Star Wars, and Fanfic Ideas

Jun 07, 2007 10:42

[Edit]Er, sorry, forgot to cut tag the spoilerish bit.[/Edit]

First, my rescheduled road test is tomorrow morning 8:00am so once again all the good thoughts/prayers/vibes that can be sent my way will be appreciated.

Second, I saw or read somewhere in the mainstream media someone call PotC this generation's Star Wars. It got me thinking about which character is which. At the time I was thinking Will is Luke, and Jack is Han Solo. I mentioned to someone I wasn't surprised to hear what happens to Norrington because I pegged him as Darth Vader. I won't go into how my ability to see what they had planned for Norrington coming is disappointing in a different way from what they did to Will but still disappointing. Ith posted a link to an interview with the writers, she's given lots of stuff from the writers which I've appreciated, where they talked about the PotC story being Elizabeth's. That made me think, "Wait that makes Liz Luke and Will Leia, making the Jack/Will slashers right in that that is the Han/Leia pairing, and explains how even if having your True Love waiting for you after your ten years are up Liz's waiting for Will doesn't set Will free. I mean at that point Liz is just a beard not a True Love." While I'm kind of amused to think of Will as the girl, I find it disturbing that I've hung out with slashers long enough to be somewhat amused by taking the "Will is Leia" step to the "that's why he's still cursed" step. I'd rather be thinking about seeing the movie so I know how to "fix" the story so Will doesn't have to go through dying and being cursed whether it's for 10 years or forever.

I generally write fanfic for one of two reasons. One is to cross canons I think are solid enough to cross, and the other is to fix canon I think has gone to Hell in a hand-basket. I definitely want to fix things for Will, odd to me, but true. However, mentioning doing x-overs reminds me, I had a PotC x-over thought separate from what went on in my "any fandom jamboree" dream. I was talking to my mom about how PotC and LotR are very similarly acronym'd and I had the thought PotR. I asked my dad how much there is about the seas of middle earth in Tolkien since he's the hobbit head. He said there isn't very much since the stories are about hobbits and they're scared of water. I told him I thought it sounds like the canon is wide open for pirates, but I'm not comfortable enough with Tolkien to run with it. I'd drop the idea somewhere it might get picked up if I knew where that was. It's bad enough thinking I might have to consciously pick up the "any fandom jamboree" dream and run with that to get Will rescued from Captain Squid Bones. I honestly don't remember us actually rescuing Will, putting ol' Squid Bones on the run sure, but making him hand Will over not so much. At least Aeryn and Rhys seemed to enjoy being pirates. I'm not sure, but I think Darien and Doyle would've enjoyed it more if Jack and Aeryn had spent less time arguing about just who's boat it was we were sailing about on anyway.

luke, captain jack sparrow, personal, han solo, rhys, potc, fanfic, leia, star wars, aeryn, darien, will turner, doyle

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