headed to seattle today, to see the boat and get ink. this is a close approximation of what the tatt will be:
Erzulie Dantor. try to imagine that with the knife not quite so outsized. (actually, you won't have to imagine, as i'll post pictures once it's done and done.) my brother spiffed it up w/photoshop (who says you can't teach a scientist new tricks?!) and now it's good to go. while i am very acquainted with the urges to call upon this aspect of erzulie of late, the truth is, i want to be more of a freda girl than a dantor girl. or a freda girl who remembers her dantor days. i dunno; point being, i don't want the knife to be any more important and influential than it has to be. not that i'm saying i'm virginal or anything (who would believe that anyway?!) but that i prefer to focus on the light, bright, hopeful and opportune side of love relationships, not the dark seedy (maggoty?) underbelly that i always seem destined to turn over. (who would believe that hopeful crap either, actually?!)
anyway, i leave it to those with much more book knowledge to instruct you, gentle reader, in the scholarly differences in the various aspects of this goddess. for me, this is a reminder (hopefully) that while every apple prob'ly has a worm, if you're lucky, maybe you can eat around it. oh, and drink champagne & feast on dark chocolate & dance yourself to death while you're at it. (ok, not terribly as hopeful as i was going for, but hey, i'm in a dark and bitter place... i mean, just look at the music i'm on over here...)