Jan 29, 2007 15:40
So yeah it's snowing pretty good out. I am about 25 mins from home working in the Baldwinsville office. I just got the call from my manager asking me if I could work out here all week. It really works because I have Barbi in from Portland staying in between my place and her parents and her parents are about 5 blocks from my office. So, she will be getting a taste of my non sleeping life and maybe be able to better identify with my exhausted ass. Although, she goes home and sleeps a few hrs after I drop her off in the morning anyway.
The party went great. I spent about 200.00 on wine and spirits but all in all people and myself were glad I did it. I put together a great slideshow and people laughed and cried. Then my buddy Jay put together a film of snippets of her. It was the closest thing to closure that we are all ever going to get.
The one thing that bothered me was I had these 2 cd's I made off of 4 compilations that Amy had made me. I had reasons why I made these cd's but I didn't want to share them with anyone. Well, my friend Mandy approached me and asked me for copies and I told her no. She got all pissed off at me and fought with me at the party. I had no tolerance for her at all. I ignored her and went about entertaining. Later on in the night after almost everyone had dissipated my brother tells me that Mandy asked Shawn (my cousin) to make her copies of a disc for her on his computer. I was livid because I know she did exactly what I had asked her not to fucking do!! That is grounds to me.... for dismissal. I asked my cousin and he keeps lying to cover her ass. I asked her and she said she conveniently can't remember. Fucking game player! I am still upset. Barbi keeps telling me to let it go but how can I? I said to Mandy that night "How would you feel if you made something for ME then died and I shared it with people knowing that it was something you didn't want me to do? Plus, I shouldn't have to explain this to you....this is for me from my best friend of 17 years...this is all I have and I am not sharing it...sorry...get over it!."
Needless to say she didn't handle it well. She tried arguing but I wasn't having it. I felt like I was telling a kid she couldn't have a cookie and she goes and takes it anyway. Except....this is way more personal.Why would she want them anyway? They weren't made for her....it wasn't for her :(
I don't know what I am going to do about any of it. What can I do except let things come to a head at a later date? I am too tired to fight, besides maybe Amy will haunt her ass! ;)
I miss my baby. It's been kind of tough not being able to have time to talk with her lately. I have been running ragged and any time I do have is always being interrupted with favors, questions, conversations, bad cell phone reception, errands.....ahhhhhh!
Well it's getting busy now...gotta run.