Mar 07, 2007 23:48
so it's official....i'm moving back home next semester. This is going to be ridiculously annoying... not to mention the fact that i feel like i'm going to completely lose touch with everyone. I don't see people enough as it is because of my job and this is just going to make it worse.
And it's not really that my parent's are evil when i'm at home..they just like to be informed and like for me to stick to a plan. I like spontaneous starbucks runs and middle of the night outings. It sucks having to report to someone. arg.
Also i have to declare a major very soon and i can't decide what i want to declare I mean i know it doesnt really matter because i have every intentiono of getting into pharmacy school no matter how many tries it takes, but theres always that tiny bit of doubt in my mind. And so what if i do what makes since and declare a biochem or chemistry major and then pharmacy just doesn't work out??? what the hell am i supposed to do with a Biochem degree?? nothing that i want to spend the rest of my life doing thats for sure. I've started looking into exercise science (pre-physical therapy) because it has pretty much the same basic requirements as pre-pharm.
okay enough ranting and raving I know all this will eventually work out....but this semester is crucial!!!!
peace,love,and chicken