Liar liar pants on fire!

Jan 09, 2006 08:55

I had a really nice weekend.  I was telling one of my friends that it felt like a 3 day weekend because I did so much!  On Friday I went to meet Christina and Floyd at Butlers.  They left early but I stayed and talked to whoever was around and sitting at the bar.  Christina told me later that she heard from the regulars that I, "shut down Butler's."  LOL...whatever that means!  Anyways, then I went across the street to Aquaria to meet Kim because she was getting off work.  We left my car in the parking lot and she drove to Ham's and Amber met us there.  I had such a good time!  I love going out with my girls.  There was a friend of Kim's there that told Kim he thought I was hot.  His name was Brian and he came and sat down next to me when Amber left.  We were all talking and I got out my camera phone to take pictures.  He grabbed my phone from me so I grabbed his.  At that moment Kim had sent him a text message that said, "no way."  I was like...what the heck is this about?  So being the nosy person I am I went to his outbox and looked at the message he had sent Kim.  It said, "I'm so gonna take down your friend tonight."  I looked at him and held up the phone and said, "Oh really? You're going to take me down tonight huh?"  He looked all flustered and tried to come up with some excuse or just that he didn't mean it that way.  I wasn't buying it.  THEN he said that he wasn't talking about me but about Amber.  Well Amber's reciept was still on the table so I snatched it up and looked at it.  I told Brian that the time on the reciept was 11:30 and she left right afterwards, but this message was sent to Kim at 1:00.  So why would he say he was going to, "take down" a friend that left over an hour ago?  Again he looked all was great.  I love catching guys in their lies!  We left shortly after that and he called Kim twice saying, "Tell Becca I'm sorry!"  LOL...whatever.

The rest of my weekend was pretty fun as well.  Saturday I went to the movies with Kim, Amber, and Mary.  We saw Memoris of a Geisha.  They didn't like it but I did. I found the culture fascinating!  Then Saturday night I had an after Christmas-Christmas party at my boss's house.  And the Panther's won on Sunday!  What a great weekend!
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