(no subject)

May 10, 2009 01:01

How did it get to be 1am already? Last time I looked it was only 11pm, and I was just going to finish reading a fic and then do a bit of yoga before bed... Then Myshra sat on me, and I just kept reading Mezzanine and now it's far later than I usually go to bed. I'm sure I'll pay for this tomorrow evening when I'm trying to get to bed so I get enough sleep before work in the morning, only to find that I'm not tired because I slept in in the morning. Oh well, Mondays are always terrible - copious amounts of coffee is the only way to get through them :)

This weekend has so far been unproductive. I did manage to tidy the lounge (which almost immediately became messy again), but everything else still needs done. Today was Emerald's birthday (for those of you new to my journal, I have 6 (nearly 7) nieces and 1 nephew - I keep meaning to write a general introductory post but never seem to have the time), so we had dinner at Mum's place with everyone. Julia has been really excited since Thursday when she learned we were going to go see her cousins, so she had heaps of fun following them all around. I'm also really excited about seeing her cousins, because she runs off and plays with them and doesn't require one of us to keep her occupied (I usually love playing with her, but it's nice having the break!).

I also meant to work on some icons and some coding, but there's always tomorrow for that :) Over here in New Zealand, it's Mother's Day, so I have hopes that I may get some time to myself tomorrowlater today. Richard got me some delicious Lush stuff on Julia's behalf: some Sweet Japanese Girl cleanser, and a Mange Too massage bar, complete with accompanying massage. I got both early, but I'm certainly not complaining. The massage bar smells really yummy :)

Anyway, my cat is sitting and staring at me with that look that says "if you don't get into bed soon, you're going to regret it when you do!", so I'd better go join her :)

birthdays, cat, weekend, fic

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