(no subject)

Apr 16, 2007 06:20

Good morning friends list! And a very early morning it is. I would actually normally be up at this time (or at least have just gone to bed) because while Julia is cute and wonderful, she really doesn't like sleeping at night ever since her immunisations a couple of weeks ago. However, she went to bed at 12:30 last night for some strange, strange reason, so I really should be asleep but since I slept late yesterday (to compensate for her staying up late that night) I can't get to sleep! So I decided to update you all, but not with pictures because when I got up out of bed after a couple of hours trying to get to sleep, I forgot to get my glasses and can't be bothered going back to get them so that I can tell whether or not the pictures are in focus. Thus, all bad spelling in this entry is blamed on the fact that all the words are fuzzy at the moment.

All of my lying in bed and thinking has made me actually make a decision for once - I'm going to get my hair cut short again. I've been thinking about this for a while, and Julia's getting to the stage where she reaches out and grabs anything she sees... she's already stolen my glasses a few times and left baby fingerprints on them. I think I'll miss having long hair for a while, but I never really do anything with it and I'm starting to get sick of how long it takes to wash and dry it. I'm thinking of getting something like what I had at the end of 7th form, as lots of people said that it suited me, and it was very low maintenance. For an image, see under the cut.

I think I'll try get it done today if I can get an appointment and if Richard's Mum, Jan, is free to look after Julia for a little while. Don't worry! There shall be pictures if I get it done, and if I'll try post some pictures of Julia while I'm at it. She's so cute :)

Anyway, I'm going back to bed again... hopefully I can get to sleep now, though Julia'll probably be waking up in about an hour for a feed (though it would be lovely if she slept longer!). Have a great day, friends list!

hair, julia

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