Jan 30, 2005 14:33
Friday- i went to the county dive meet. the guys dove first. mark won! and matt came in 2nd! yay how exciting. matt was so happy. i was happy for him too! then tyler came in like 7th maybe. idk. and robby came in 9th and grant came in 10th. so our 5 guys came in the top 10. thats really good. then me ang and angie went with scott just driving around while the girls warmed up. we got starbucks. vanilla cream frapacino (sp?) it was soo yummy. then we went back to the meet and the girls had already started. marci ended up getting 2nd! and melissa came in the top 10 but i dont remember what she got. then marci drove me ang and angi back to "angi's" house. lol. anyways.. i spent the night out.
Saturday- ICE! it was all over the roads! it sucked. and it was freezing outside. i got home from "angi's" at like 3 or so. then i just hung out around the house. my brother had bill and george and jeremy and bob over. thats always interesting. then at like 7 i went over to dennis' house cause kevin was over there since hes staying with him cause his parents are out of town. we watched a movie. i dont remember the name of. i had never heard of it before. it was good but confusing... i had to keep asking what was going on. then my daddy came and picked me up... but since the roads were so icy he couldnt get down the big hill in st johns park to come get me (or if he would have gotten down he wouldnt have been able to get back up) so he stopped at the top of it and called me and told me to walk up there. so kevin came with me and we walked like all the way up the hill. and he had short sleeves on. smart. lol. i almost fell and busted my butt like 10 times. it was funny. then me and my daddy went to pick my brother up from taryns/terry's house and went home.
Sunday- wow my phone would not stop rining this morning. i finally got out of bed at like 1230 or so. then i had to change out of my pj's and go to thomas' house to get robby's bookbag. so i went and i got it from thomas and then went and took it to robby's house. i came home. ate breakfast ((at like 130 haha)) i had a waffle. it was yummy. and then gary was like were going to go to the movies at 230 and there was no wayy i was going to be able to do that cause it was like already like 2 and i hadnt gotten ready yet or anything.. so now i think me kevin dennis gary and taryn are going to go to a movie a little bit later. idk.. we'll see. well i guess thats about it. bye bye!!
<3 becca