Nov 17, 2005 19:06
Dear world,
The reason why chemistry is so infuriating needs to be explained now that I have had to to calm down. You are about to read the greatest revenge story of all time...and by all time I mean my sad pathetic grade 12 chemistry existance. So, yesterday I knew I had a chemistry quiz so me and other becca and our friend were all partying it up in chem extra help because we all were tres confused on the subject of rates of reactions. Finally, at the moment of almost complete and utter disgust at the chemical world, my teacher comes to the 'rescue'. She starts explaining stuff and becca and rob are nodding away like they get everything (which i later found out THEY DID NOT) and I say my usual, "wait, i don't understand" Okay so here comes the best part of the story. My dearest darling teacher says to everyone, "can you please leave, I need to have a chat with becca." So we're all alone. Its just my teacher, me and the periodic table of elements for moral support. So she says to me, "Becca, maybe you should think about why you're taking chemistry." That really topped it off. I mean I know I shouldn't care what other people say but you know its your teacher and as stupid as you think you are at least if your teacher has confidence in you thats something. And believe me, yesterday I was feeling just about as stupid as ever. So THAT is why chemistry is infuriating. Are you ready for the revenge. I wrote the quiz and I think i got...whats that number that means perfect? Well you get the picture. TAKE THAT CHEMISTRY!
PS on a completely different note, I'm one of the madrichim (counsellors) for the grade 9 Shabbaton,(weekend retreat thingy)and we started planning today and its gonna be so amazing! Happyhappyhappy!