
Feb 08, 2010 23:07

Title: Nicknames
Rating: PG
Pairing: Adam/Tommy
Summary: The nicknames are more important than you'd think...
Note: Just a bit of shameless fluff. :)

Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own Adam and Tommy, unfortunately. Also, not implying that any of this actually happened. Aside from the tweets and the fact that they went to the Lady Gaga concert together, all is fake... Maybe. ;)

The first time Adam used the nickname, it caught him completely off-guard.

It was right after one of their first rehearsals. Tommy was starting to get used to the band. They were all pretty cool in their own way, and Adam was... respectably crazy. He was an amazing singer, and the whole glam-rock edge was awesome, especially when it was paired with his eccentric performances. Tommy could only imagine what it would be like when they actually got to live performances.

"Hey, could you hand me that mic, Glitterbaby?" Adam asked while they were packing up, tapping him on the shoulder and then pointing behind him.

Tommy paused for a second and raised an eyebrow. "Uh... Sure..." he said, passing him the microphone. Glitterbaby? Sure, he's a little weird, and glitter is kinda his thing, but... He shook his head and tried to ignore his slight annoyance at the nickname, but it never completely left his mind.


The second time Adam used the nickname, he'd thought about it more and knew what his revenge would be.

Tommy logged into Twitter and scrolled through all the fan's tweets. Almost all of them were about the AMA's, and he ignored or just glanced quickly at most of the them. There was no way he could ever reply to all those.

Finally, he saw one from someone familiar:
"adamlambert @TommyJoeRatliff Hey glitterbaby!"

Tommy smirked and quickly replied, trying to imagine how Adam would react.
"@adamlambert hey hey there babyboy :D I'm jealous I wish I was still in NY"

He wasn't sure why he chose something like "babyboy," which could imply a lot more than he wanted, especially since there were a lot more eyes on them after they made out on stage... It seemed like the right nickname to maybe shock Adam a bit, though. Besides, their little fake flirting was fun, in a weird way.


Six hours later, he was staring at his phone. It hadn't phased Adam in the slightest! He'd just sent a message back that said "Haha, babyboy... Cute, I like it!"

Well, that failed miserably. Oh well.


The forty-eighth time Adam used the nickname, Tommy just wasn't surprised anymore. Not by the name, at least.

"So, you're going to the Gaga concert with me, right, Glitterbaby?" Adam asked casually while they hung out with Danielle.

"Sure thing, Babyboy," he answered with a small smile.

At that moment, Tommy was suddenly almost certain of two things:
1. He'd just accepted a date with Adam Lambert.
2. That would never be said out loud.


The fifty-fourth time Adam used the nickname, it was all (well, maybe not all) for the fans, and it was on Twitter again. Such a fun place... So easy to mess with the overactive imaginations of fans...

"@adamlambert HAPPY BDAY BABYBOY"

Tommy paused. Nah, that's not quite enough... What else can I do to make them freak out? Oh! He quickly added a little wink to the end and clicked the send button. His page instantly flooded with people questioning what his relationship with Adam was, others asking him to give birthday messages to Adam, and a few who didn't care (or at least pretended not to care) about the tweet and were just asking him questions. The messages started coming even faster when Adam's reply came just a few minutes later.

"@TommyJoeRatliff thnx Glitterbaby!!!"


An hour later, Adam walked into Tommy's living room and plopped down next to him on the couch, laughing. He gave Tommy a quick kiss and said, "How are all the fangirls reacting, Glitterbaby? I've been too scared to check."

Tommy found a few of the particularly insane replies and held his phone up for Adam to see. "How do you think?"

Adam grabbed the phone to look more closely at it, then laughed. "They're so cute! A little weird, but then... I guess about half of them would be right about what they're saying..." With a suggestive raise of his eyebrow, he said, "And on that note... When do I get my birthday present?"

lambliff, tommy joe ratliff, adam lambert, atom, adommy

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