Jul 13, 2004 14:36
Yesterday was a solid all around awesome day/night. I went to class, which was a bit grueling (I definitely can not go to bed at 1 AM if I have to be up early and attentive for six hours straight) since I was sleepy. Sex and society class was not bad, we actually got a pretty cool assignment. We have to write a 3-4 page essay exploring where we have developed our conceptions about sexuality. I thought it was a really good assignment, and I actually just did it, and really enjoyed it. My sociological theory class was a doozer, so I made a fib and left class early. I hung out for a while after class, ran into my friendster love Isaac, and then hung out for a while to kill time while Courtney (God I love that girl so much, and I hate that she's far away because seeing her makes me so happy) and Jim were at the movies seeing Anchorman (and yes, I AM the only one who hasn't seen it. Thank you very much). We went to dinner at Legal seafood, which was a MAJOR treat, but deliciously worth it. I got to see my dear friend Pete who I traveled with in Europe this summer, which is always a pleasure. After dinner, we went out for drinks with a bunch of Jim's friends from work. What a crowd that was! Nick came out with us as well, and we had an absolutely amazing time, made some new friends (always a refreshing bonus), and met some new boys (well I did, he's already spoken for). It was really nice and I had the best time ever. Shared a cab with a couple of hot mos, conversed with a drunk hottie driving a big truck. Chatted on the phone with one of the new boys I met. Slept. Woke up at 5 AM with an unwavering pain in my right shin. I couldn't ignore it, and I had to get up and walk it off. It was really quite terrible. I fell asleep after that though, and slept until ten. I went to bed at three, and could've slept a bit longer, but for some reason when I drink the night before, I often don't sleep that late. No worries, I feel great today. I have spent the day writing papers (the sex and society one, as well as one for my theory class, neither due for at least a week but good to get out of the way) and will continue on my pursuit of academia with hours of reading, since the house is empty today (apart from me and the horn dog kitty mamma). Perhaps, I might make some banana bread today, since I have the time...who knows. I don't want to go to school for six hours straight tomorrow, but I will go and I will kick ass! Well, enough procrastinating...time to read!