Mar 13, 2005 13:19
after reading amba's livejournal and watching the video in it, i feel the same way as her. you never realize that a simple turkey sandwich orginated under such cruel and terrible circumstances. obvisouly other people are not going to care or think that much of slaughtering animals and will still go on thinking like that, i too was one of those people, but the more and more i thought about what i watched the more i became sick to my stomach and sad. if you think animal cruelty is a horrible thing, then the process in which you get the meat you eat almost everyday should be very disturbing to you. obvisouly this is my own personal opinion and it's not like i'll hate someone for eating meat, but i just don't think that i can put any of that in my mouth again...thanks ambaa
if you'd like to see the video go to amba's lj