Aug 24, 2005 10:41
20 years ago I...
1. was
2. not yet
3. conceived
10 years ago I...
1. cried when my teacher said she was leaving
2. pulled out a chair from underneath chris r. & got him sent to the office on accident
3. was in a multiage class
5 years ago I...
1. started school at edgewood, knowing no one
2. had bangs & wore glasses
3. swam in junior olympics
3 years ago I...
1. got in a grand fight with laura over something retarded
2. started being really good friends with kingsley
3. could only drive with my mom in the car
1 year ago I...
1. went to germany
2. started looking at colleges
3. began deciding what i want to do with my life
So far this year I...
1. worked 2 jobs
2. became legal
3. started college
Yesterday I...
1. stayed up till 6am
2. got all of my books
3. retrieved my keys from Yulee
Today I...
1. started school- international relations
2. drank coffee with lots of sugar
3. ate leftovers for breakfast after my first class
tomorrow I will...
1. only have one class- retard math aka precalc
2. hopefully get my new hard drive
3. sleep in
In the next year I will...
(these are all a hopefully)
1. know what i want to do with my life
2. go to germany
3. find a job