so i think stacey and i think are basically sold on I'm looking forward to a house warming party. There will always be alcohol. hopefully my brother will be living in olympia by then and i'll have a good weed hookup close by too. we will have ghetto furniture. we are gonna be so poor its amazing. luckily i forgot that i had a fucking second bank account at bb&t from like growing up and birthday money my parents never told me about and shit so i have 700 dollars i didnt know about and 820 in my savings at credit union. So that takes care of rent for awhile. Hopefully I'll be working again this summer though. I think we should just rent for a year and have an awesome place next summer to chill when no one wants to go home haha. I'm so excited.
I officially changed my major to nursing. i get one elective class the entire 4 years i go through the program. lame x 10. I hope I can handle college science courses.
My next and last round of chemo is coming up pretty fast. April 12th/13th is when i should be going in. 9 days, triple the dose of everything. plus e.coli. what the fuck? but its almost all over and i'm very stoked.
now i'm about to watch almost famous again. :)