I found this fun web page:
instructions on how to make a quill pen.
My favorite part is the recipe for ink at the bottom, courtesy of Jane Austen's sister-in-law:
Take 4 ozs of blue gauls [gallic acid, made from oak apples], 2 ozs of green copperas [iron sulphate], 1 1/2 ozs of gum arabic. Break the gauls. The gum and copperas must be beaten in a mortar and put into a pint of strong stale beer; with a pint of small beer. Put in a little refin'd sugar. It must stand in the chimney corner fourteen days and be shaken two or three times a day.
I am thusly inspir'd to create a ridiculous poll.
Poll Are we really better off in the 21st century?The quills would surely be cheaper. And I have to say, the complete lack of intuitiveness in the interface for creating polls here has me leaning heavily towards writing utensils made from feathers.