Jul 16, 2003 17:25
Full name: Rebecca Clare Jakob
Nicknames: Becca, Becks, Rebs, smelly (even tho i'm not)
Eyes: hazel brown
Height: good things come in small packages!!
Hair: brown
Siblings: matthew n michael
Do u like to sing in the shower? yes, but quietly!
Birthday: 13th may
Sign: taurus....stubborn like a bull!
Address: forest gate
Sex: female
Righty or lefty: righty!
What's the most important thing that every relationship should have? trust...love...and fun
Marital status: as lily wud say..."i got myself a man!"
Do you have a car? no
what kinder car do you have/want: dunno!
Do you plan on having children: yes
Do you want to get married: eventually yes
How old do you wanna be when you’re married? dunno...when i feel ready and it seems right!
Would you have kids before marriage: dunno
Do u have a b/f or g/f: yes :)
Music/TV: music
Guys/Girls: guys
Green/Blue: blue
Pink/Purple: purple
Summer/Winter: summer
Night/Day: night
Hangin Out/Chillin: erm....wats the difference?
Dopey/Funny: funny
You know I'm around when you hear me say: yay!
What school do u go to? st angelas and st bons 6th form
Have you ever taken drugs? nothing illegal i dnt think....
What's a major turn on for you? nice, sexy smell...ability to make me laugh...when i know sumone else is turned on, haha
How far would you go on a first date: depends...but probly not very far!
Most blonde: me... amazingly clumsy and say stoopid things :S
Nicest: naomi
Funniest: eliott, lee, quite a few ppl!
Personality: my friends wudn't be my friends if i didn't like their personalities..
Which 7 people do you trust the most: eliott, rachel, ellie, my mum, naomi, louise, erm....me?
what do you think of soul mates? don't really believe in that
Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf? a little bit is ok...
What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? stupid crappy people who can't take a joke and can be nice one minute and then mean!! Argh!!
What's something about guys/girls you do not get about them? erm...getting drunk for the sake of it (altho girls do that too) and piss the butt!
Are you happy?: yes!
Why?: life is good at the moment...
What an object you can't live without? my fone :S never thought i'd say that! used to think people who said that were sad!! Also....chocolate!
love or lust: both...at the same time!!
Silver or gold: silver
Diamond or pearl: diamond
Have you ever gone skinny-dipping: no...but i wouldn't rule it out!
Do you sleep with stuffed animals:yeh...greg the duck, daphne, fred, colin, sweep and erm....*checks*...how could i forget lucy?! I am such a child!!
Do you have any piercings: ears (three in each) and belly button
What colour underpants are you wearing right now: plain white!
What song are u listening to right now? u2 - with or without you!
wats the last 4 digits of your mobile number: 0375
Where would you want to go on your honeymoon? a really nice hotel in the Dominican Republic...:D
Who do u want to spend the rest of your life with: eliott
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: smile, or eyes...actually maybe hair before that
What makes you happy? being with people i love, just hanging out/chilling (what IS the difference???)
What's the next c.d/s you're gonna get? maybe the stereophonics album...
Do u wear contacts or glasses? nope
What's the best advice given to you? 'go 2 the family plannin clinic' <--- lol at lily...but i do agree
Have u ever won any special awards? a few
What are your future goals: dunno....uni, marriage, gud job, kids, i guess, happiness, the usual!
Worst sickness u ever had? dunno....neva been REALLY sick
Do you like Funny or Scary movies better? scary!...being scared is exciting and if u sit next to a nice boy u can hold tight in "fear"
On the phone or in person? in person
Hugs or kisses? both together :D
What song seems to reflect you the most? I am the Walrus...haha
If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything to? spose i wud let ppl share!
Do u have any enemies? dunno..not major ones!
Greatest fear? losing loved ones
what time is it now? 17.48
have you ever been in love? yeh...right now :)
Have you met santa? yeh...but only crap ones with rubbish beards!
If E.T. knocked on your door holdin a peace sign wot wud u do? invite him in for a drink....then when he was least expecting it, yank off his mask to see who's playing a silly joke!
Last time you talked to the person that you like: about an hour ago
do you have any pets? 2 cats willow n faith plus a fish called danny
Whats your email address? becca_claire@hotmail.com
Last time you were depressed: not sure...last week maybe
are you an alcoholic? no...despite the viscious rumours...lol
Who sent this to you: lily
What do you think of this person: lovely n funny!
do you want your friends to send this back? if they can be bothered...