Jul 01, 2003 10:45
ARGH! Why do we have to write our personal statements when we haven't even all decided what subject we want to do? Why must we make life-changing decisions already? I'm not ready; I'm not!!
I finally decided which course I want to do - natural sciences - because you can choose which modules you do out of loads of options, so I don't have to decide what kind of science I want to specialise in yet. It looks really good at Cambridge. But then I found out that hardly any other universities offer it, and the other university prospectus I've seen it in, well, it didn't look half as good as at Cambridge!
Oh well, I've ordered some other prospectuses and maybe they'll be better. If not, maybe I'll just apply to Cambridge for natural sciences, and apply to other uni's for different science courses.
Oh; this is too hard! I don't want to make decisions which will affect my whole life. I'm not mature enough!!!