Dec 01, 2005 01:12
Hey peeps.......well not alot happened today. I just got my lazy ass up and went to community service. I met this really nice chick. Turns out I had met her at a party i thew for a friend. Small world Uh? O yeah guess who called me. REECE> Yeah i know, i am suppose to be split from him. It seems like neither one of us want to really let it go. Guess i will have to see how things play out. I just keep living my life day by day. I am not really sure of what i want out of anything as of right now, But in short term plans Heather her b/f gerb, Reece and I are suppose to Hang out this weekend. I hope everything goes well. Like none of us do anything stupid to get us a free ride to jail. (we all seem to have a similar pattern,) NOT a good thing. I have finally started getting back on icq. My number is 225769809....Well i am gonna get off here and go to bed. Later