"Rub my belly!"

Oct 30, 2004 00:52

So when I was a baby, I was fat. I mean really fat. Like rolls on my belly and only dimples for elbows. And not only was I fat, but I was bald. Bald as a cueball. (There's photographic evidence of this but we won't go there.) Hence, my nickname was Buddha...except my dad spelled it "Boota." (Was that in reference to having a big booty at the time? I dunno...I was a baby!)

Anywho, tonight I went with my mommy to Meijer on a Midnight Shopping Spree! (2 nights in a row for me now! Meijer is my second home.) I found THE PERFECT T-shirt for me so I had to get it. Check it out!

They actually have a picture of me sitting in a pose like that! Only I'm naked...in a bathtub...and 6 months old. Again, we are not going there.
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