Feb 20, 2004 15:20
i just foound out that the journal entrie that i wrote earlyer this day didnt go through so i guess im gonna have to write it again i wrote this in my 2nd period: uummmm kingery has still been acting different like yesterday at the play everyone went to give him a hug ( me,allen,mario,mondo) and he just ran away from it? i wonder why he is acting like this but i have a great feeling i know why cause of my sister!! he does'nt even talk to anyone but her! i think the reason why he doesn't talk to us is because my sister makes him sad or mad and he takes it out on us!! i miss talkin to him i really do so does mondo. Kingery it not the same person alot of people say. "king use to be a person that would'nt ditch his friends for anyone" mondo says. im not mad at kingery for acting this way im just worried! I even told my sister about it and she said it was'nt her problem!! i really worried about him he has'nt talk to me as much as he use too, he has'nt talk to anyone!! he seems to be sad alot and so has my sister but when ever i try to ask her whats wrong she says LEAVE ME ALONE or DON'T TALK TO ME!! i wonder what her problem is too she is been mean even my mom says so!! Like on tuesday i asked her if i could take mondo with us to our dentist appointment and she says " IM not taking him home" but yet she can take kingery everywhere!! She like shuts people out! i think she has a problem or something. and yesterday i asked sarah if she could give mondo a ride and she said i figured i already was and i said i was scared to ask cause i didn' want her to get mad and she said im gonna get mad but not at mondo at you!!! everyone said that was pretty messed up!!!She is so mean!!! well i guess i could just pray for the mean people.You know what i just realized kingery is turning into my sister!! Well you know what they say "if two people are together long enough they start to act like eachother" :(:(:(:(:(:( all well there isn't much i can do but just hope that kingery start to act like himself unless someone can give me some advice on what to do!?!?!? Someone please help me!!!!!!@#$%^&*()