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Oct 15, 2006 20:05

ya well i don't remeber when the last time i updated so i'm just gonna say alot of random crap like always... ok .well this year sucks i have like no one in any of my classes!!! ya i had a gr8 time at the dance i went w/ my girls and had a blast i danced w/ bethany's date chris... he was hot ! let me tell ya.. haha i had 2 take of my shoes though and i got like a foot shorter and he was like wo yer short i was like we no duh.. yer tall... but saturday night me krystyn mary and courtney ran into bethany and chris at atrocks.. ya i gave chris a hug and he was like ya becca is a gr8 dancer i was like oookkaayy... lol i can't wait till the new years eve dance but any ways yesturday was so much fun!! haha daniel is tickleish on his neck right under his chin lol thats pretty funny he told us and we all started 2 tickle him our bus snag 99 bottles of beer on the wall and we sang espn on the radion 2 mr. waid haha ... i can't believe we won i'm so happy 2night we r suppose 2 go 2 the haunted high school but i'm not sure if we r still goin b/c krystyn hasn't called me back yet 2 tell me if she is goin 2 take us... but ya... o and i like this guy now.. ya ummm i'll give ya a hint he is in band hahaha not much of a hint but i don't want 2 give it away lol well gotta run catch ya on the flip side haha... much luv peace out *makes peace sign*
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