May 12, 2006 16:51
this week has been good .. my face was so burnt it was peeling really bad ! i looked soo ugly! last night was long the concert was good i thought we did a good job.. i had no clue what side my medals went on then i started to put them on and i put them on wrong so i spent abot 15min. tryin to put them on then taylor came in and he put them on for lol then we got kicked out of the choir room by lil middle schoolers ... band was fun today... heather asked me to go and sit by her for a min. and taylor got out this lil spray bottle and like squirted me w/ it .. it was funny .. gosh martin keeps on kickin my butt and it hurts and its gettin on my nerves!!! i'm like bored out of my mind my parents r at sams and then they r goin to buy a wedding present so i have my volume on my comp. like up really loud and i'm listenin to lean wit rock wit it and some other music lol i'm sooo bored
ya well i guess i'll go now bye