(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 22:22

My artistic self is sufering from a mixture of happiness and lack of time.

Note to self:

English- Irony Scavenger, Red Chief Irony, IR mark up
MAth-p. 126:14-48 evnes
USH- Finish Review (I hate this class)
Band- Practice (2hrs left) I dont practice and Im never homeby myself anymore so there no leeway for me.
Get stuff together for game

BLue Angel for JEssica's mom
Finish Suru
Find a way to talk to Joe. or even better get B to talk to Joe
Finsh cleaning room
Dont die in volleyball game (oh and stay hapi)
Find ride home from football game
Start packing up least needed stuff
Get give-away pile ready
So how come up with &290 for Bass and amp
More Importantly 25 dollars for pens
Work on Bamboo pic

I will be editing this. This way I will actually see what I hafe to do, and maybe do it. I ruined my perfect english grade cause I forgot a paper. grrrrr. Not fun. I wont have time to do anything before thursday. Except maybe tues, if I dont find a way to make it to the game. Im not even sure there is a game. Ill have to check somehow. OH It;s 10:30 and I need to be asleep by 11, and I haven't done any homework. Im probably going to fail my USH test. Oh and the best part is with my lovely schedule I still get to manage being social. And on top that enjoy all of my impulsivesness and lack of self control. I need caffine.

Happy is spelled hapi
And I've enjoyed the whole ROME week thing on the history channel. YAY for gorey history
*is tired* must get to homework.
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