Aug 26, 2007 19:28
so why is it that i really cant trust any of my friends?
i tell them something. (that should be kept between me and them) and then they go tell this person who i'm not even friends with?
its kind of a what the fuck deal.
so whatever.
oh, and i found out that one of my bestfriends thinks im two faced.
neat stuff huh?
life kind of sucks right now.
OH OH OH. and since i turn eighteen tomorrow, my mom is afraid of me growing up, and calls me a baby, and babys dont get to do this and that. james and i were going to celebrate my birthday last night, since he works on my birthday, and my niece stayed the night, and so her play pin/bed was in my room, and for some stupid reason my dad but this really really old computer in my room (thought i would use it for school) and then i was cleaning my room yesterday and i was like hey when briannas play pin is out of my room, i'm going to move the computer, where would you like me to put it? and they told me, and so then i left my house with james to go out to dinner, and then not even three minutes later my mom calls, "and just what the hell did you do in your room? (it was already cleaned, and my room was full of baby stuff so even if i tried to clean my room, it would still look messy) and what about this computer?" so i replied, "i told you i wasn't going to move it until breannas play pin was out TOMORROW." and then she was like ooh i'm going to clean your room and when she cleans my room, she cleans it goood, like, sends everything on the floor to goodwill and stuff, no matter what it is, so i freaked out and was bawling and cussing up a storm, and the conversation was over and then she called me back and was like, since youre acting like a baby, then you are going to get treated like a baby.....babies have to be home at TEN O'CLOCK. uugh whatev. so it turned out that james had planned a party for me, and he called my mom, and i got home at twelve, things are better now.
and i cant wait for school and my birthday.
if you read this whole thing, then that makes me really happy.
BIG smiley face.