You bring the house down

Feb 16, 2009 19:40

*Edit : New Tab

*Love can't save your life/ Music can't break your heart

Find me someones who can muster up a passion beyond love and nature

Find me someone who can "tolerate" my music, and just how much it actually means to me...

Everyone wants to try and figure me out-they never can: they realize that Different isn't always Better...

Maybe I don't have my priorities straight- Maybe that's why it's so hard to understand everyone else's motives?

I'd like to feel like I'm connected to society, but to a large part, I'm not invited

I don't know what exactly makes me so "different from other girls"...What really sets me apart from other people..

I'm just not common enough- I can't fit in, I feel so inferior and awkward when I try.

I'm tired of being sick, and Sick of being TIRED!! Being sick, is making me tired- Making myself sick, is making me tired.

I'm always cold now- I'm hardly ever without a scarf,hoodie,boots,mittens,winter coat, maybe a hat?

Buying me dinosaur stickers won't dissolve the distaste for my music-How I live my life.

Aren't you aloud to say no to people when they ask you a question? My understanding was it could go either way

Living my life like this must mean I'm using everyone

I thought I was utilizing my resources.

If people can't handle how I spend my free time, then it's a good thing we never got in depth

Desperately waiting for my medicare to hopefully go through... I need some medical assistance and I can't produce the money it requires

I get to be close to my "family"- I couldn't be more excited.
Oh- And Terrified.

A little voice keeps telling me that yes, I'm still going to be sick when I get there...
I'll be sick while I'm there.
I will leave sick, if not moreso.

How can you be so content and yet so broken all at the same time?

How many entries am I going to write everyday, that I end up just deleting?
Isn't it tired of asking if I'd like to recover my saved draft?
When I just X'd out- I didn't intend to leave behind any evidence I'd ever been here...

I don't want to hear about changing anyones life. There's no way I've changed anything-
well----Maybe I've made some things worse.

I'm comfortable alone. I'm comfortable with the sour realization that yes, it's true,
The one who loves you, and the one you love, are never the same person...

I have dark circles around my eyes and my face is caving in.
My jaw is sore and my body aches all over.
My throat burns and bones feel weak- Like I'd turn to dust any minute..

Maybe I'll go to art school...Maybe I'll write a paper about the history of the Mix tape,
Maybe school just isn't really what I want, now that I've got my foot in the hypothetical door.
Maybe what I really want, is that run-down loft in a run-down city
That, is my white picket fence.

Does it really matter where you are or what you have? As long as your life has fulfilling elements?

My sunflowers want the sun, but I cannot find them any
Maybe my green thumb is just gangrene

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