Since I last wrote...
- I survived the 'Great Vancouver Water Scare of 2006'
- It snowed and snowed and snowed and I awoke from the deep sleep I've been in for a long time...
- Having quit smoking weed, I stretched two of my vintage fabrics that have been sitting folded under my tv for the past 8 months, deep cleaned my apartment, set goals for the new year, finished one novel and completed 3 pastel drawings
- I went to a gay bar and tried to convince a guy sitting alone on his birthday that he really wanted to take ME out for bowling and nachos... and it worked!
- I chose the program I want to enter in January and registered for my communication assessment with BCIT for December 19 (so I can get the ball rolling already)
- I bought a new pair of boots with money my parents leant me because they felt bad that I had to wrap my feet in plastic bags to get to work
- I went on an awesome date with a 6'5" giant who is my age, can drive, paid for the meal (2nd time my entire life a man paid for something), treated me with respect and whom I hugged goodnight and didn't try to grope me... (so basically opposite than any other guy I've ever been on a date with, it was really good)
- I had a job interview with Vancouver 2006 (the olympics dude)
- I lost another 5 pounds... how the hell? I now officially weigh 4 pounds more than I did in grade 9 (I am not proud of this)
Sometimes you need to crumble to the ground to be able to build yourself up again. (wow, that sounds so dramatic... but i'm glad i'm passed my nervous breakdown...)