Aug 03, 2007 01:59
i wish they made personalized air fresheners
that you could make smell
like whatever you wanted.
i'd make mine smell like leather and basic lights.
or maybe freshly oiled wood and sleepy hair.
it's important to appreciate me while i'm here
because you never know when i could leave you.
...i'll pause here so we both can laugh.
i think that everything i think is wrong.
we collided on the street like lonely lovers-
i knocked a notebook from your hands,
you knocked the fight right out of me.
i haven't had a chance to find it yet.
maybe every piece of paper we ever used to communicate
has been recycled already.
maybe someone is writing over my love poems even now.
coney island's closing this summer.
i always planned for us to visit there.
somewhere in my mind,
lawrence ferlinghetti
is rooting for the other guy.
if distance is the only problem,
i've found a way to cover that:
let's get drunk and share a mattress,
let's take a drive and see what happens.
i don't remember how your hands look-
my favorite thumb or the tan line from my ring you wear.
i don't regret those tiny "if"s
that sauntered down my neck straight to my spine-
that made my muscles jerk
when i tried to keep from touching him.
sometimes lying makes endless empty days more bearable.