people visiting for weekends is the funnest thing ever. (that sounds quite strange grammatically, oh

Oct 19, 2004 00:53

such a long entry, but read it all!

Gina came down here for the weekend, and she brought Jason, Alyssa's boyfriend.  It was really awesome. Well, Friday wasn't so awesome, but I didn't want to be a downer for everyone so I pretended not to be grumpy which helped me get over it really fast anyways.  I had to go to what I thought was a job interview Friday.  It was at this company called Spherion.  They're actually an employment company, so they set up jobs for other companies.  To get their I needed to ride the bus.  I've ridden the bus twice before this, and those times i was either with someone or it was only for a couple blocks.  This was totally different, i rode for like 15 miles, not knowing where i needed to get off.  From the map I had I thought the bus would go right by the road I needed to get to.  Well it actually went around the block and didn't quite go on it, cause I guess there's two busses with the exact number, but slightly different routes, lame.  So I had to walk like 3-4 more blocks from where I got off to actually get to the building, and by the time was dropped off I was suppose to be there already.  I freaked out, started running, and it was like 40 some degrees out, and if you've ever run when it's cold out it really hurts your lungs (when you're not use to it at least).  I got their about 10 min late and the lady after waiting a bit the lady comes out and says "Hi are you Lenny? I'm Jenna we spoke on the phone." And for some fucked up reason, I'm super retarded when it comes to introductions/ greetings and I say... "Yeah, hi. I'm Lenny" WTF?! I'm so lame. are you lenny, yeah hi i'm lenny. I winced right after the words came out, but she started talking right away so I don't think she dwelled on it much.  But it went well, nonetheless, and I could have a job at UPS getting 9.50 an hour, 5-10 weekdays, but that's a bit much, so I'm gonna have to turn it down.  Good news though, Urban Outfitters is hiring so I applied, that would be wicked-nice(haha).  Interview is Wednesday, I think I have a pretty good shot, the guy I talked to there really seemed to like me, but that could just be because he's just a friendly guy.

We ate at Perkins and that was good, watched Eternal Sunshine and I remembered how much I seriously love that movie.  I need to pick up my Michel Gondry DVD when I go home this weekend.
It was really nice snuggling and sleeping with Gina on the fouton, my roomie went home for the weekend, it was really awesome having the room to ourselves.

Saturday we got some awesome shopping done. Jason works at Best Buy so we took advantage of his discount and I finally bought a new headset and a pack of dvd-r's. While Gina bought the Saved! DVD.  It's pretty good, Gina and I were a little uncomfortable with so much "God-iness" but it was funny.  A lot of the god stuff was really ironic and funny, Mandy Moore was the perfect example of stupid Christian not understanding the purpose of the bible and living by it the right way.  There was another character that was the perfect example of complete anarchist atheism (but she was actually Jewish, which is strange).  And then tehre was the example of good Christian, the liberal Christian that didn't force beliefs on people and accepted people's lives.  As Atheist as I am, I don't have much a problem w/ people and their beliefs as long as they don't force it on others and affect their lives negatively because of it.  I just don't have a need for it and I choose not to pre-occupy my mind with even more burdening thoughts of acting perfectly constantly.  If you think about it, it's a pretty shitty system to base your existence of eternity by some speck of existence on a spinning ball.  Compared with the rest of time this time on earth is really nothing, idk how/why afterlife would be based on how we are now, and how we could be forever exactly the same.  Then there's all the inconsistancies with it and spawned hatred, I just can't stand it.

Sunday was sad, the whole day we dreaded the seperation that was to come.  Only after we ate waffles at Frank's Place, ooh man they were sooo fucking good.  Strawberry sauce ontop, yum, well worth the long lines.  Couldn't help but feel blissful with delicious waffles in your belly.  But then we went to State St., handed in my app. to Urban, ate Jimmy John's, walked around the capitol, and this awesome art museum.  It was quite beautiful, I'll post pics eventually.  John was back by the time Gina and I got back so it sucked not having the privacy when we wanted to cuddle and say goodbyes : (  But it was okay and they got home alright, then I had a little homework to catch up on and it ruled (I'm still a little behind).

I'll write about what happened today tomorrow, haha, sleep time now...
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