Draft for a restaurant card, please criticize.

Jun 07, 2010 11:36

Hi guys,

The lovely schmooo has offered to ask her native French-speaking acquaintances/coworkers to translate a few sentences for me for a restaurant card. I'm leaving for France next week Wednesday, so I should really get going on this.

I want to keep this simple so that it's not confusing, but specific to avoid confusion. How does this sound:

I have a severe allergy to

  • Corn
  • Gluten
  • Wheat
  • Dairy
Please, no corn starch, corn syrup, cornmeal, wheat flour, breadcrumbs, croutons, milk, butter, or cheese.

Please be sure that sauces, dressings, and stuffings do not contain any of these, as well. Many spice mixes contain gluten or corn starch. Please do not use spices if you are not certain of the ingredients.

Could you please help me by suggesting a menu item that is safe, and please give this card to the chef?

Thank you for your help.

Table #: _____________

Here is the translation a native speaker provided me with:
Je suis sévèrement allergique aux aliments suivants:

- mais,

- gluten,

- blé et froment,

- produits laitiers.

SVP, pas d’amidon de mais, syrop de mais, doublé, farine de blé ou froment, pain, pané, croutons, lait, beurre ou fromage.

SVP, assurez-vous que les sauces, assaisonnements, condiments et farces ne contiennent aucun des aliments mentionnés. En cas de doute, je vous prie de vous abstenir d’utiliser ces ingredients.

Pourriez-vous me suggérer un plat sans danger, et pourriez-vous aussi transmettre cette carte en cuisine?

Je vous remercie de votre aide.

Numéro de table:_________________

I also want to be sure of translations/pronunciation for the following phrases/questions. In explanation of some of the weirder ones, I will specifically be at a music festival for three days, and may attempt to eat at food booths.

  • Does this contain corn starch/corn syrup/wheat flour/wheat/cheese/milk?

    Est-ce que ceci contient de/du:
         -amidon de maïs (is this masculine or feminine?)
         -sirop de maïs (masc/fem?)
         -la farine au blé
         -le blé
         -le fromage
         -le lait

    In addition to genders, is maïs pronounced mah-EES, with the s pronounced?

  • I cannot eat this. I am allergic and will be sick.

    Je ne peux pas ceci manger. Je suis allergique et je vais etre malade.

    (That's awkward as well as probably wrong.)

  • I would like a hamburger/hot dog without the bun. Yes, no bread. I am allergic.

    Je voudrais un hamburger/ un hot dog sans pain. Oui, pas de pain. Je suis allergique.

    I'm sure there are all kinds of grammar issues here, or just colloquial issues. Yay, awkward phrasing!

    Question: When one says "sans" in this phrase, neither the N or the S are pronounced, yes? It's just the nasalized "ahn" sound, right? That's a minor detail, I know.

  • Please, only salt and pepper on these french fries. No other spices.

    Yeah um, yeah. I can guess at how to form this sentence, but my brain hurts from the translating I've already attempted. This is my life- spice mixes often used on fries have gluten and/or corn in them.

  • No ketchup, please.
    Pas de ________, s'il vous plait.

    Is it the same word? I have no idea. And I wonder if European Heinz still has corn syrup in it. It does here.

  • May I please have a fork and a knife?
    Puis-je avoir un couteau et fourchette?

  • Please prepare a new plate, and do not just remove the bread/corn from this one.

  • I can't begin to guess at this one.

  • Thank you for your help.
    Merci bien de votre assistance.

  • I will look for another place to eat, thank you.

    Je vais chercher un autre place pour manger, merci.

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