Long time, no post.

Jul 27, 2009 11:19

So what have I been amusing myself with lately, if not LJ?
  • Tor.com is trying to sell me things, but the process is enjoyable. Their feature-thingy on the Moon landing was especially good.
  • L.W. Currey led me to make several expensive mistakes. However, I am now the proud owner of more books.
  • And last but certainly not least, the Clarion West Readings.
I am an enormous (and unrepentant) nerd. I doubt this comes as a surprise to any of you.

In other news, the novel I've been outlining for the past two years is (*gasp*) done being outlined. Now, all that remains is to, you know, actually write the book. Still, I feel that this is an accomplishment worthy of note in the chronicle that is my LJ.

The story looks nothing like it did when I first started working on it. It's kinda pathetic to look back on the work of two years of near-daily thought and discover that the written product is a mere 2,344 words. Still, there is plot, intrigue, and characters. The outline is not terribly exacting (certainly not scene by scene), but I think it's enough to stop me from writing myself into a hole. The characters are real enough to me now that I think I can just let them out to play between the major plot points. I'm hoping to have a first draft (rough, rough, rough) by the end of the year... but, well, I thought I'd be done with the outline about six months ago. Clearly I cannot be depended upon for time estimates. Still, I have a good feeling about this. I feel, at least, that it will fail less spectacularly than the last novel.

As I apparently fail at working on only one thing at a time, I'm starting to poke my next project into shape as well. I feel a lot more comfortable talking about this one, and may even post excerpts here when there are excerpts to be posted. It's sort of a college memoir, sort of an SF story about ansible communication and time travel? But only sort of. And there will be multimedia. So yeah, at this point, I don't know what the hell either.
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