Interviewer: Are children at any, in any danger of learning anything from your songs?
Linnell: It's funny that you say that, 'cause we're now doing these Disney things which are ostensibly supposed to teach kids these very basic things like numbers and the alphabet, and, and, you know, obviously, to some extent, it's a little bit like throwin' some meat to the grown ups. You know, I mean, kids are...
Flansburgh: Whadda, I don't understand what you mean by that?
*interviewer laughing*
Linnell: Well kids are gonna learn the alphabet; grown ups feel better about buying stuff ...
Interviewer: Grownups like meat, is what he's saying.
Flansburgh: Right, right, right, that it's vitamin enriched.
Linnell: *flustered* Well, I mean, it's it's, it's, y'know, it's something that when you reach for in, in, the CostCo you, you, kind of feel like for some reason that kids aren't entitled to just pure entertainment, like, y'know, you're, you're gonna watch the Sopranos but your kid has to have some, something educational. And and, that's unfair, you know, obviously, but, um...
Flansburgh: It'd be good to do "Here Come the Sopranos!"
Interviewer: Well now, speaking of ...
Flansburgh: *making up extemporaneous song* Here comes Tony!
Interviewer: Speaking of ...
*laughter over top*
Interviewer: What would the next line to that be?
*laughter over top*
Flansburgh: *sings* Bang, bang, bang.
*general laughter*