Nov 04, 2007 08:55
I went out and got the eye exam and bought the glasses.
Four Eyes was so nice and gave me such a good deal on the specs, I ordered a pair of prescription sunglasses, which I have never done before; brown lenses, with the superstitious thought that I need to protect my organic lenses from ultra-violet and it's less energetic brothers, blue and green. The test sunglass lenses, which you can hold up to one eye, were each encased in an elliptical shaped brushed-metal colored frame, and had descriptive ad copy actually on them. Apparently, the manufacturer felt that "Better on the golf course" would be a big selling point. Hey, you had me at, "Your Dad has cataracts."
Did you know that indexed plastic naturally blocks ultraviolet? I didn't know that.
In any case, I took cash to make myself make a decision, and the clerk got 415.57 out of me. I know, horrific! But last go-round, Sterling Optical talked me into Nike super-bendy sports frames, and my glasses cost me 600 smackers. Never again. This time, I am going to just take the part where the frames break as a clue I need to go get my eyes checked.
OMagosh, the eye doctor was the guy I had like 3 years ago (okay, don't wait that long between visits, I know) and I was sure it was him NOT because of his name, but for the exam, he has to lean in and breathe on me? He smells exactly the same as he did before. Same breath, same aftershave or soap. Dude, I know you - I've smelled you before. Naturally, I didn't mention this to him. Because that sounds insane. Btw, based on his smell, I would totally do this guy.
*whew* I am not more myopic *thankyouthankyou* and not presbyopic yet *thankyouthankyou* but I am more astigmatic. Ah well. But he said I had a pair of healthy eyes with healthy blood vessels, no glaucoma. *whew* I have dodged Le Bifocals once more! Triumph!
EDIT: Four Eyes came through already, and while my regular glasses have proven acceptable, I am in love with my prescription sunglasses. I have never had such a crazy luxury before, and I feel Supah Bad in these muthahs. I have wearing them inside the building, just so they can be near me.
I am just too sexy for LJ now.