Have been talking long distance, via email with a former kaffeeklatsch buddy, discussing how to do the right thing and still get ahead. Nothing was really decided, of course.
So I voted we just go to The Happy Thought of The Day. Here's mine:
Dream from this morning. A short man with a curly ginger beard had it styled and partitioned in a such a way that one could leaf through the page-like partitions and read information in this beard book. I didn't get any wisdom in the dream, but was delighted in the cleverness of the style. And that I could see the color and feel the texture in the dream. Texture is a rarity in dreams, to be savored.
This is so rife with possible symbolism that I can't pick just one. The man resembled
Johan Glans a bit, and we had been binge-watching the 10 part series filmed in Los Angeles,
Swedish Dicks, a comedy about two down-n-out private detectives. (D, our Entertainment & Cruise Director, had picked this series based on our planned trip to Sweden + my enthusiasm for Wallender. This is quite a different series from any of the Wallender series.)
Beards - what are they, subliminally? Maleness, Santa, crazy old prospectors & comic relief in westerns, hipsters have fancy beards, Rip Van Winkle, Mythological and biblical figures have beards, a disguise, a women who helps you pass for a straight man, a place to save soup in, or for birds to nest in, or to decoratively hold flowers ....
Wait a minute, Swedish Dicks was kind of about facial hair, come to think of it. Ingmar (Peter Stormare) has been having hallucinations of Tex, his former stuntman friend, played by Keanu Reaves in longish hair and a beard. Stormare has long hair and a big mustache for this role. I said to D at some point when those two old codgers were talking, "Man, that is alot of hair dye in that room." It was. Both men had obtrusive badly-dyed facial and head hair - both dyed black-to-chestnut on men far too old to not be salt-n-peppers. Their beards are artifice here, disguising their age. But the dream ginger beard was on a young man, and it was there to .. reveal, maybe?