Oct 20, 2013 18:38
Yesterday, we took a road trip to Vintage Virginia Apples in North Garden (south of Charlottesville) and onto Johnson's Orchard in Bedford, Virginia, to buy apples and cider. We also wanted to meet up with my sister and father (who both live off I 81) for supper on the way back north.
After we left the tiny rural Johnson's Orchard at the foot of the Peaks of Otter, and took the GPS' advice and a gravel road north, so as not to double back. I was eventually white knuckling it, because it was full of tight switchbacks, steep drop off on the left and tire-eating drainage ditch on the right. THe road edges were also partially obscured by fallen leaves, so Dean was having fun, but I had a vision of being stuck in a ditch with no spare tire, spotty cellular service, and it getting dark. Were there bears? We were near the Jefferson National Forest, and I knew the Washington Natl further down the Valley had plenty of black bears.
We rounded and corner and got stuck alright, but it was a wandering truck driver who followed his GPS across a cement bridge and up a gravel road that rapidly got his rig wedged into the roadway, and we spent at least an hour watching the wrecking crew and 2 patrol cars wriggle that thing backwards to the main thoroughfair. At the half hour mark, a local came down the road behind us with his kid in a truck, and when we explained to him what was going on, and he said that the combo of trucks, tight gravel roads, and GPS technology now makes this a regular occurance in his area.