Whenever I want to hate this job.
Lunchtime lecture on dark matter.
What to look up: Linde. also: Fermi+positron+balloon
I stopped him afterwards (there was a crowd at the podium afterwards) to ask what the million-cubic-meter balloon had detected that suggested dark matter existed and got this:
physics bookkeeping for dummies? )
People lined the walls, a few more chairs were brought in, and they would have questioned him for another hour I bet if time had permitted. Attendees certainly mobbed the podium afterwards, ahaha - nerdz! If you want to feel like a rock star, astonomers or physicists, lecture here.
Not all of these fill the space, but this one did. And they have lectures on art, history, literature, you name it: poetry readings, whatever someone is researching, Chinese language table, all kinds of language tables, lots of ethnic history - the Jews of Indonesia, experiences of women entrepreneurs in sub-saharan Africa. The choral traditions of Canadian Mennonites. I went to one on 12th century turkish trade. Klingon linguistics - there have been 2 over other years here that I know of, given by the creator of Klingon. Seriously. Preservation techniques. How to fight stress. Learn to ballroom dance. Right now they have a series on learning Hawaiian dance taught by a visiting Hawaiian dance professor.
Crazy stuff. But if you dig physics and astonomy, they definitely have you covered.
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