Sep 06, 2008 09:49
Greetings from the damp damp state of Virginia! I came down this morning to the window panes fogged up as if the entire house were a makeout car.
I went out onto the tiny porch and looked at the world - verdant, glowing green and a soft gray sky are the palate today as Hannah speeds by at 22 miles per hour, due to pass to the east, and be skittering away by tomorrow morning to southern Maryland. It's so beautiful, and I feel a great sense of being a mammal safe in my cave. The gutters are newly cleaned, the back drain well is freshly cleared, and the sump has not even engaged, probably due to the extremely dry conditions of the last month.
We have some jugs of water, some gasoline in the car, I am going to fill the tub so we can flush if the water goes out. Right now I am doing the laundry in case, so I have clothes for Monday. Later I may make a comforting pot of soup with lots of fresh veg and maybe turkey sneakily seasoned to pass for beef, but with less fat. Don't worry, it has all the soul-buoying power of beef soup, the way I make it.
I washed my hair to make sure I was presentable for our giant guest from the south, and I am typing this buck naked in the livingroom with the windows un-curtained. Not like anyone could see me in here, hair done and bare-assed on a cushion on the sofa, but I feel rakish and this tiny transgression feels wonderful!