May 28, 2005 20:54

Men are . . .

Created by mj0628 and taken 884 times on bzoink!
Choose One that would be next in the sentence "Men are . . ."Sloppy or tidy?Sloppy*Loud or quiet?LoudFull of good intentions or deliberately evil?Deliberately evilManipulative or manipulated?manipulativeGenerally content with life or close to suicidal?close to suicidalUsually well-dressed or usually suffering from a fashion faux pas?usually well dressedEmbarassing or embarassed?embarassingWeak in their beliefs or politically strong?weak in their beliefsSuch a tease or too easy to tease?too easy to teaseGenerally fun or depressingly boring?generally funEasy-going or stubborn?STubborNDominating conversation or tuning out conversation?Tuning out conversationLovers or fighters?Fighters
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