(iDeaL) BoYfRiEnD Created by
biggylala and taken 167 times on
bzoink!What color hair does he have to have?brown or w/highlightsWhat color eyes does he have to have?blue or hazelHow far are you willing to let the relationship go?dependsDoes he HAVE to by you presents every time he visits you?noDoes he need to hug and kiss you every minute?not every minuteDoes it matter if his friends are dickheads?somewhatIs it ok for him to hang around girls every now and then?Just if they're his Close Friend.. NO moreHow old does he have to be?doesnt matter just older than me Does he have to be interested in what you are?not reallyWhat does he have to wear?what he wantsIs it ok for him to be a country boy?i guess Would you keep the relationship with him if he went on a year vacation?i really doubt it. Does he have to be shy or dramatic?shy is cuterWould he be very talkative?yeah somewhatDoes he have to have a hot body?noDo a couple of freckles turn you off?not reallyDoes he have to be popular at his school?noWould he HAVE to like your friends?it would be better if he didWould he be a mama's boy?i would hope not>!Would you date a punk?yeaWould you date a gangster?prob not*Would you date a preppy guy?yeahDoes he have to be filthy rich?nopeDoes it matter if he's below average for income?i dont guessA hot and mean guy or a ugly and nice guy?ugly n nice.. > no DICKheads*!How much dating experience would he have?he would have to have SOME> Does it matter if he's parents don't really like you?yesDoes it matter if your parents don't like him?yesWill he have to go to at least college?if he wanted to ,Would he be (nearly) fearless?yeaDoes he have to have a six pack?no, but would be nice* =)Does he have to be a specific race?noIf yes...what?Does it matter if he\'s black?only 2 parentsDoes it matter if he\'s azn?i guessDoes it matter if he\'s white?haha , nopeDoes he have to have a particular star sign?omg. no, ~
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