Jeremy got a kickass camera recently, and in result, we've been going photo-mad. He's posted some of the pictures he's taken in his lj - a collection of
pictures of me (awwwwww, you sweetie Bear), a
whole passel o' poochie pics, some of our
Post-Modern-College Dormesque apartment, and one I took of
him and Ditko (hee hee hee, dog in a sweater!)
Today, though, I also want to share with you some pictures I've taken recently. 'Cause, y'know, I can't resist our shiny new camera. It's soooooo preeeeeeeeetty......
And works so very well.
This picture was taken at 3 AM with no flash, of my house's stairstructure to the third floor studio. Amazing at capturing low light, isn't it?
Suspicious Jax is suspicious. (Jer actually took this shot.)
Grafton's new truck is goddamn-Browns-orange. Highly disturbing, given that he's driving it in Michigan, but hey, at least it's functional and we can find it in a parking lot.
Speaking of Grafton.... I looooooooooove this shot I got of him.
I told you it was good in low light. Very important to me - I love Cleveland's skies, and now we finally have a camera that can capture them in all their glory.
*sigh* SO pretty.
Annnnnnnd..... all together now, in your best Eddie Izzard voice.....
funny pictures *falls over laughing*