I don't really have anything to say.
I know that's a shock to some, but really, I've just spent a couple hours going gaga over having my very own Mac-pooter and shamelessly catching up on teh intarwebs. So, in lieu of actual literary content, I give you art!
This henna piece is two-or-more years old, and I can't think why I didn't post the pictures at the time. The line/edge work is a bit wonky, and that may have been the reason, but I remember at the time thinking that I should attempt a lace-like "glove", if you will, of henna. (Props to teh Jaxeroo for being such a good... prop? background? )
Those pictures were taken some time after the application; I can't remember how long after now, but you can see the wear on the design, so maybe 5-6 days after application. I like the overall effect of what I was trying to do, and perhaps I'll try it again soon, since I have better-textured henna now.
Oh! Which reminds me - I need to order more henna. The Great Henna Party nearly wiped me out, and I only have a couple cones left.
While we're on the mehndi train, I should mention
theferrett and
zoethe. Right now, Ferret's in his last couple of weeks at Clarion, a super-groovy writer's workshop on the other side of the country. The two of them have a fascinating relationship, and they pay a lot of attention to each other's needs as well as wants, and they're just about the most adorable, cutest, devoted, lovey-dovey, sincere, and serious-about-each-other couple I've ever seen. (For all of you who think Jer and I are sickeningly sweet on each other, I'm here to tell ya, we got nothin' on Ferret and Gini.)
So, as a gesture of love and devotion, Ferret made arrangements with artists to provide Gini with artwork specifically themed to her whilst he was away. Let's say it together now.... "Awwwwwww"! Ferret asked me if I'd be kind enough to create a mehndi piece for Gini for Week Five, and of course I said yes. Clever minx that I am, I set up a weekly bellydance date with her before he left for Clarion and oh-so-cunningly used this past Monday as her Week Five Art day so she'd be surprised. Yay for surprise art! She created a lovely piece, mixing Indian and Native American images into something very beautiful and very personal to her. It's a fantastic piece, and very unusual for me for create given its location, and when she posts a picture, I'll let you all know! I'm very proud of the piece, and very pleased and honored to be a vehicle of Ferret's love for Gini.