Jul 28, 2010 03:04
It's been a few day since I created this lj, thought that this would be the way to be able to download all the Arashi video's I fell in love with over the last year, but unfortunately people will only friend you if you "join" in the communities...that means post on other people's journals. I've been there, done that, hell I've been on the internet since 1997, I've been burnt too many times by cliche's and leeches and parasites to even want to get back into talking to strangers. It's not what I'm looking for.
It's no problem with the concerts, I can get those from Amazon, the first being Arashi Around Asia...God I miss that concert, I fell in love with each and every song. I think I miss Step and Go the most, that and "One Love". So, I can buy the concerts, but the TV shows are a no go, I can't find them and even if I could they are not translated.
Now I hear that Japan is starting to sell english translated JDrama's, but i Yamapi's Buzzer Beat is anything to go by I can't justify $200 US dollars for one TV show...can't do it.
Just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope I get chosen to join one of the Live Journals that have some fantastic downloads...
fingers are crossed...