Foiling Vance

Nov 24, 2018 19:59

So hope the very nice people here can help me out with some recs...

After reading chtimi252's request it made me want to read any stories that have Vance trying to foil Tony's career and it being foiled, either by Morrow, SecNav or even Gibbs.  I always felt it was unfair of Vance when he first came in without even knowing the man, and without even reading his entire file to treat Tony like he a:  wasn't any good at his job, and b:  wasn't a smart person.

Thank you.


P.S. Why was the first box I brought up entirely written in Russian in the new editor?  Had to refresh to get English and the word hours in the draft notice was still (and still is) written in Russian, so I switched back to old editor, plus I couldn't find the post button only draft buttons.  Weird.

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