Saseang Fans

Jul 24, 2012 19:17

If I hear one more person say Saseang fans are a result of Cultural differences I think I will scream.

Cultural differences...I'd say.  When was the last time hundreds of fans followed another countries star/idol in a taxi for two days?  When did Justin Bieber fans put up camera's in his home? When was the last time Jamaican fans broke into Rhianna's home and took pictures of her sleeping?  When was the last time Adelle's fans lined up by the hundreds to watch her eat in a restaurant?  When was the last time Helene Segara fans wrote a letter to her in period blood?  Hey, when was the last time you spent your life savings on following John Mayer?

If this is a cultural difference, then there is something seriously going wrong in your Cultural.  You don't have one or two lone people stalking these idols like other countries do,  you have hundred's maybe even thousands. Where are these so called "immature fans" (the laws name for them) getting this money to pay for all this?  Where are their families?  Sasaeng fans are out of control in Korea and I've yet to see any law enforcement agencies actually taking any of them seriously.

Then you have the flip side, sasaeng  fans grabbing idols genitals, breaking into their homes, watching them sleep, and the idol's instant reaction is to defend themselves and suddenly they are the worst human beings in the world.  So-called true fans will take to every fan board to let the world know how despicable they find their idols.  Hey somebody grabs my genitals I'm hauling off and smacking them too.  Why not, you would do the same thing, but this idol who for some reason Asian fans hold above human law, no they are not allowed to.  They have to be better than human, they have to be IDOL's.  Which hey, this doesn't make sense to me.

I think some of these sasaeng fans should have to do some time in jail plus pay large fines for what they are doing.  This "but they are just immature fans" is wrong, you don't break into someone's home due to immaturity, you break into someones home due to stupidity and no education or morals.   I also think some of these management companies should start prosecuting these fans.  If they break the law the Company of said idol should do everything in their power to keep their idols safe.  Are they always going to put the pocketbooks of the fans before their idols?  It's going to happen sooner of later, one day, the true fans are going to pick up the paper or listen to the news to hear that your favorite idol is dead, dead at the hands of a sasaeng fan.  Isn't there anything that can stop this?


rant, rants, cultural differences, sasaeng fans

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