Half Ass Subbing

Oct 02, 2011 21:04

Okay, I've been running around and playing on the internet for a long time, since about 1997, but this week, I finally found something that makes me go Huh...WTF??

Have you ever downloaded a subbed video and only had one sided conversations subbed?  I've never seen this before in my entire life.  You have five people in a video, but you choose to only sub the words of 2 or 3 people.  The other two, well they say things, but you never know what it is they are saying.  The other people are answering them, they are giving replies but you have no clue as to what they are talking about.  And the author of this work does not let you know before you download that only Arashi is subbed.  She doesn't use correct labels.
Image this....Arashi is singing To Be Free, but you realize the version you are listening to only has Sho and MatsuJun singing, no Nino, no Aiba, no Ohno...where is Nino's fantastic high note after the refrain, where can we listen to see if Aiba comes in on time?.  Wait where is Ohno's wonderful solo?  Nope, not there, they didn't bother recording it.
Well, there is a subber out there who feels it is totally acceptable to sub ONLY ARASHI'S WORDS in their regular show videos.  The guest will say something that is funny, well Arashi busted up laughing outrageously so we must assume that it was funny, but we have no clue if it was or not because the guest words aren't subbed.  Maybe the guest was being serious but Arashi didn't realize it, or maybe Arashi was laughing AT THEM, not with them.  We don't know because to this subber the guest isn't important, only Arashi is important and only Arashi is subbed.   
I don't know about you but I find this totally unacceptable.  This is ridiculous.  I find it lazy, immature and totally has to be done by someone without any pride in their work.  If you are going to work this way then label your work as "Only Subbed Arashi Parts".  It only takes about 1.2 seconds to type that statement on the keyboard.
And when someone who was strong enough to stand up and defend good subbing work she got blasted and talked about by the subber and her minions (yes, they are minions, minions are designated by their complete lack of personal opinions, they agree with everything their Leader states, and they all jumped on the band wagon and expressed their total belief and love in her work and then proceed to attack anyone who has a different opionion.  They expressed the fact that no one understands how hard its to sub and she has every right just to sub only the words of their beloved boys.) which is crap.  So I posted my thoughts, let her know I agreed with  the original poster.  Also should have said label your work what it is and you won't have these problems.  No one would be complaining if you labelled it "only Arashi words subbed".  Neither I or the original poster were rude or flamed anyone.  And I applaud this woman for standing up and telling her if you are going to sub it --  sub the entire converstations, not just one or two words here or there.
And as for it being hard to sub, you're damn right it is, but that doesn't stop the thousands of people who do it everyday, sometimes while they work 1 or 2 jobs, or go to school and work and still manage to sub enire conversations and or entire shows.
Like I said, I find this lazy, and I can't imagine not doing your very best when you are going to post it on the web for people to see.  Have pride, show us your very best work that you possible can, and we will return AGAIN and AGAIN to your subs because we know we will get the entire package of good work, and fine entertainment.
So thank you for letting me rant, and by the way, the original poster and I were both banned from her livejournal and she friend locked it. LOL  So beware of these half ass subbers, and if you do run into it let them know what you think.
If you would like to reply to my rant feel free too, cause that's why there is a reply button these thingies...she must have forgotten about that.
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