
Nov 07, 2006 14:51

6 Weird habits:

1. I used to be afraid to flush the toilet (I think the sound scared me) so I'd wait until I couldn't hold my pee anymore before going and then I'd dash out of the bathroom as fast as I could when I finished and flushed.
2. I walk around on my toes when barefoot.
3. I like organization and order better than a mess, and yet I can't keep my room clean.
4. Instead of putting something down when I need my hand(s) for something else, I'll put it in my mouth (pencil, paper...) unless it's something I shouldn't, like... I dunno, play-doh.
5. If I'm watching something I taped to my DVR and it gets to a slow part, I'll just stop it even if there's nothing else to watch.
6. I leave the T.V. on to help me fall asleep.

6 Things about yourself:

1. I often hand things I'd have for weeks to do because I hadn't even started it. I truly am the world's worst procrastinator.
2. I like being alone but I hate going to places alone.
3. I love water and swimming but I don't often do it. Probably because I think I'm getting fat and my neighbors are always swimming every afternoon and like I said, I prefer to be alone.
4. When I'm bored, I clean. When I get bored of cleaning, I stop.
5. I like drawing but I think I suck. Also, I draw better when I just doodle on notebook paper than I do when I'm trying to draw in my sketchbook.
6. I anonymous attention to all-eyes-on-me attention.
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