Resident Evil 5 review; Persona 4 progress; Drabble requests re-opened

Mar 25, 2009 09:49

So I just beat "Resident Evil 5" and I wanted to put my thoughts down.

I mentioned before that co-op is the only way to play this game, and I feel that I should qualify that somewhat: playing SPLITSCREEN co-op is the only way to play this game.  Sure, you can play it alone, or you could go on Xbox Live/PSN and find someone to fill in as Sheva, but both of these options, in a sense, cut out the ever-important direct social factor.  For all intents and purposes (and unless you're playing with a mic), playing with an online gamer is basically the same as playing with the game's AI partner, albeit they're less likely to share ammo with you.  Playing with a friend right there beside you-- devising improvised defensive strategies, shouting for health, screaming like a toddler when a chainsaw-wielding zombie has you cornered only for a lucky shot from the distance to buy you enough time to slip away-- offers an experience of co-dependent, zombie-killing fun that's just not the same otherwise.

I don't have much to say about the combat, because if you've played Resident Evil 4 it's practically the same.  It's still an over-the-shoulder third-person shooter, you still can block projectiles or slow down opponents with a few well-placed shots, you still have the opportunity for a devastating physical attack when the enemy's stunned.  However, this doesn't lessen the fun factor, since everything is so polished and, well, killing zombies never gets old.  And while the story is a little more interesting and with less of the painfully (unintentionally) funny dialogue that remains a series staple, there are still some moments of goofiness that detract from the excellent atmosphere (like motorcycle zombies, the fake-boobed Natasha Badenov sound-alike Excella, or, um, every single word that comes out of Wesker's mouth because he sounds like Spottswoode from Team America).  Not that any sane person ever played Resident Evil for its story.

Overall, "Resident Evil 5" is a fun, excellent fusion of the shooter and survival horror-- offering rock-solid gameplay while an extremely limited inventory system encourages strategic thinking and planning.  It's still as scary as it ever was, but less in a 'BOO!' kind of way and more in a OH FUCK I'M OUT OF AMMO AND THERES A GIANT FUCKING BUG THAT'S GOING TO SKEWER ME OH JESUS kind of way.  Don't play it alone, because you're honestly missing out on one of the best and most interdependent co-op games to come out in years.

Secondly, some thoughts on Persona 4 (up to pre-Summer Vacation exams)...

-HO SHIT Teddie turned into a bishie! And I think I shipped Teddie/Yukiko/Chie for about a second there XD

-LOL drunk!Dojima ♥♥♥  he and Adachi are so married

-Aww, I like Rise.  Though she seems a bit... >.> <.< ...easy?

-Damn, Yuuta's Mom (Eri) is a total cougar XD I suddenly want to write Eri/Margaret sexy older women!crack


-Four-plus Persona fusion seems kinda...useless.


-AWWW Nanako sitting next to you lkdaoihogdfskj ♥♥♥

-Naoto's voice.  I'm scientifically certain that it's made of pure sex.  UNF ♥

-Oh, Ai.  I love you, you stuck-up bitch XD

-Okay, I'm pretty certain that Yosuke wants Kanji, but he's afraid to admit it XD

-Goddamn, that fucking Fox is an extortionist prick :P

Oh, and I'm taking drabble requests again!  Still doing gen, het and yuri and fandoms include Claymore, Bleach, Harry Potter, Higurashi, Persona 4, Watchmen, Avatar and am willing to try something else assuming I happen to know about it (it never hurts to ask!).  Just comment to this post using the following format...

Smut-- Y/N?:

game review, resident evil 5, drabble requests, persona 4

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